
Days (darit)

Days per week
Name chleweye col
0 water day darit cewto
1 life day darit teegu
2 fire day darit decco
3 metal day darit battu
4 organic-material day
(carbon day for short)
darit ficcha
5 air day darit bluffo
6 moon day darit lansa
7 sun day darit gongo

Weeks (wasmu)

Despite the free weeks (free proper and leisure weeks) each month has four weeks.

The first week (or week 0) would either begin in a water day (0) or a life day (1) , being respectively eight or seven day long.

The second and third weeks (weeks 1 and 2) are always complete eight day long weeks.

The last week (week 3) will always lack the moon and sun day, being barely six day long.

Type of weeks
Type 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Free week (dry) life fire metal carbon air
Free week (wet) water life fire metal carbon air
first week (dry) life fire metal carbon air moon sun
complete week water life fire metal carbon air moon sun
last week water life fire metal carbon air

Months (cosya)

There are 12 months and 2 free weeks (or shorter months) the names (and numbers) are:

Months and weeks per year
Name chleweye col Days
0 free week wasmu zuyke 5 (6 in wet years)
1 joy month cosya nirbe 30
2 anger month cosya nyule 29
3 laziness month cosya erpe 30
4 hope month cosya notte 29
5 faith month cosya reype 30
6 tender month cosya syale 29
7 leisure week wasmu deyme 6
8 justice month cosya chowme 29
9 freedom month cosya ceege 30
10 fraternity month cosya lassye 29
11 love month cosya lombe 30
12 pride month cosya creyfe 29
13 craziness month cosya wippe 30

All 30 days months begin in a water day and the 29 days months begin in life day.

29 day months
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 first life first fire first metal first carbon first air first moon first sun
1 first water second life second fire second metal second carbon second air second moon second sun
2 second water third life third fire third metal third carbon third air last moon last sun
3 last water last life last fire last metal last carbon last air
30 day months
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 first water first life first fire first metal first carbon first air first moon first sun
1 second water second life second fire second metal second carbon second air second moon second sun
2 third water third life third fire third metal third carbon third air last moon last sun
3 last water last life last fire last metal last carbon last air

Years (wowop)

Years follow a 8 year cycle and there are 16 year cycles each 128 years. 128 is important since there are exactly 31 wet years in the 128 year cycle:

Years in a cycle (octade) are named after animals

Years per octade
Name chleweye col
0 mouse year wowop robito
1 dog year wowop brando
2 fly year wowop nuyro
3 cat year wowop wambo
4 bear year wowop tuyco
5 toad year wowop suyno
6 horse year wowop hinhiro
7 rabbit year wowop firdo

And octades are named after colors in cycles of 16 octades (128 years).

Octade per cycle
Name chleweye col years
0 black rurwop lose 0 - 7
1 brown rurwop socce 8 - 15
2 red rurwop loome 16 - 23
3 orange rurwop vule 24 - 31
4 yellow rurwop medde 32 - 39
5 green rurwop quappe 40 - 47
6 blue rurwop fuyle 48 - 55
7 purple rurwop rabbe 56 - 63
8 gray rurwop hayre 64 - 71
9 white rurwop dofe 72 - 79
10 yellowish green rurwop djecke 80 - 87
11 cyan rurwop carse 88 - 95
12 light sky blue rurwop bawde 96 - 103
13 pink/magenta rurwop wamme 104 - 111
14 maroon rurwop birce 112 - 119
15 beige rurwop breyse 120 - 127

Lap years are called wet years because they have an additional water day, inserted at the beginning of the year.

the following years are wet years (in the period 0-127):

4 8 12 16 20 24 28
33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61
66 70 74 78 82 86 90 94
99 103 107 111 115 119 123 127

Beginning of the count

The beginning of the count, this means octade 0, year 0, week 0, day 1 (no wet year) (free life of black mouse), subdivision 0:000 of the current cycle (cycle 0) was the 29th November of 1972 at noon GMT.